Management in Ordinary Times
Contingency management and peacetime management are two different things.
The axis of value is less clear.
Like "survive."
Catching up with and surpassing the West" is also a state of diminishing axes of value.
It is important to know if there are few axes of value.
An "emergency" is an example of a situation that arises.
Fewer axes, so you can discard what is not relevant to your axis from a lot of information.
One or a few people can make a decision.
Become an [Achievement-oriented organization
The word "leadership" conjures up images of one person leading many. This is contingency management
There are plenty of axes to grind in peacetime.
Reality is complex to begin with and cannot be expressed on a few axes.
I had no choice but to focus on some of them in an emergency.
It's cognitively painful for one person to make decisions on multiple scales.
When one person tries to make a decision, it exceeds that person's cognitive capacity.
I can't make a choice between the two.
Difficult to determine "this information is not necessary."
Makes it difficult for one person to grasp the whole picture.
It's hard to recognize a state with a variety of axes, so we jump to a simple scale.
We have abandoned a proper understanding of reality with its diverse axes, so the problem is usually a mismatch between simple KPIs and complex reality.
The cost of communicating information is greater.
Due to the difficulty of discarding
Both of the following increase the burden
To be transmitted in words.
Receiving and understanding words.
Best practices in this state are "transfers."
Delegate decision-making to those who are positioned closer to specific information
Reduce the amount of information transfer required
The style of communicating a large amount of complex information from the person who has the information to the person who makes the decision, and then making a decision, is time-consuming & often leads to wrong decisions due to insufficient information communication.
Peacetime leadership does not try to centralize everything to itself.
Because that's where the bottleneck is.
The role of repeatedly transmitting distant goals and guidelines for decision making becomes stronger.
Because information dissemination is easily scaled by software.
The scale will vary.
Mixed results are useful in expanding the scope of search
Psychological safety is management in peacetime, and contingency management would be appropriate in Twitter's current situation, where bankruptcy is a possibility.
We're talking about management in times of war, and you're side-stepping the standards of management in times of peace, so the conversation is getting a bit muddled.
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/平時のマネジメント using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I'm very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.